( post 12) mise-en-scene in him and her
Him & Her
In the first episode of Him & Her the setting throughout is a apartment, this apartment is messy, dark and comfy this fits the characters as firstly they are both early 20s couple therefore this age demographic wouldn't have a smart apartment, they are also unemployed so they are constantly lazing in bed, the bed is the main focal point of the bedroom and perhaps the whole apartment this draws our attention to the bed which is always messy and never made. The use of no other setting creates this safe space in the apartment and gives us an idea of what couples are like behind doors.
Lucy, what you have written is great and clearly you 'get' the role of setting in constructing and in this case deconstructing a text. Next time we need to go into much more detail. eg; The individual parts of the apartment as well as the fact that the era, year and even time of day is included in setting.