singin' in the rain

Scene 1 “singin in the rain”

Costume/ props 

There are 2 main people in this scene, Cathy and don, Cathy is wearing a coat and a hat, the coat is gold and the hat is purple, these colours are glamorous and have connotation with Hollywood fashion, one that is high maintenance and idolised, perhaps her costume shows us hoe Don perceives her a a beautiful glamorous woman. Don is wearing a suit which is in black, a hat, everything he is wearing is monotone and bland compared to Cathy’s colourful outfit, this could be showing the corruption of Hollywood and how it has effected don, whereas Cathy who doesn’t like the holly wood life she is bright and colourful this is a massive juxtaposition between these characters costumes. There is one main prop used in this scene, the umbrella, he uses this to show the freedom he feels, he doesn’t use it and instead sings in the rain, he acts this way as Cathy kissed him therefor its as if nothing will effect or hurt him again, loves the world. 


This scene starts in a doorway, it is poorly lit but sets a bright mood compared to the street, the symbolises of the door way may show how she still isn’t fully letting him in or trusting him. It then moves onto a dark street light lit street, it is rain and there are a few people running to get inside due to the rain. There is a massive juxtaposition between the setting and the tone of the scene, the scene is light hearted and happy whereas the weather is miserable and the street is dark. This shows that his love for her takes over any setting or weather. There is a few things in the street that are colourful, the red letter box and the green bushes, the colour red symbolises love and Hollywood therefor brining some colour to a darks street, perhaps showing how he feels bright In a dark place. 

Camera shots and angles 

This scene starts with a mid shot, which then zooms in on don and Cathy to make it a close up shot, this shot is of them looking at each other, the close zoom emphasise how intimate the scene is. The next shot is a mid shot, this shot is used to establish the weather and setting allowing the audience to take in his surroundings. Throughout this scene there is many tracking shots, we follow don down the street as if we are walking with him, this is also used a lot in this scene and the whole movie as this was the first big movie, before this many people watched theatre and when watching theatre performance we track them with out eyes like this tracking shot. To show his emotions we then see a zoom in, close up on don, from this close shot we see how happy he is, as well as this it also zoom in when he hugs the street lamp, this may be either because he was imagining it was her or he is so happy he’s being nice to everyone and everything. This intimate shots of his face makes the audience share his emotions it makes them happy to see his so ecstatic. For a comedic purpose a policeman is introduced, we see an over shoulder shot of don from the policeman perspective, we see what he sees, making don look strange. Lastly there is a white over head of of don walking away, perhaps symbolising his stress and sadness walking away he is free because she loves him back. 

sound/ lighting 

First of all there is non diegetic sound in this scene, the background music for “singing in the rain”, this music fits the emotions that don is feeling ( happy, free, in love) the music is up beat and light. This happy music makes the reader feel positive too as people can be influenced by music. There is also diegetic music present in this scene, don and Cathy talking, rain drops, splashing of the puddles, door shutting as the begging of the scene, and don’s singing. The lighting echoed one of a street the main light were street lights which had a cool, moonlight tone to it emphasises how he is feel, in love, the lighting is seem to be romantic. As well as this using street lamps as man sure of lighting it means that some places will be darker this difference between light and dark may symbolise the light and dark in don or even Hollywood, know he has Cathy he is in the light and happy. 

Scene 2- opening scene 


The scene starts with showing “normal people” they are dressed smartly but are in common outfits, they are on the speaker showing how excited they are to see the “celebrities”,  there is a slight different between the citizens in the crowd compared to the celebrities. The celebrities such as “zelda” who enters from a car is wearing a glamorous dress placed with beautiful jewellery and smart hair and make up, all together her clothes look more expensive. Showing this massive difference is clothes shows the idolisation of celebrities and Hollywood in the peoples eyes, it is the dream world and they love and adore the celebrities, although from don lock woods past we can see that normal people can become celebrities which is not wildly thought of, they are actually normal people. As well as this from the portrayal of the character Cosmo, we can see how much people are included by the celebrities, he Is smartly dressed and can be mistaken as a celebrity but as soon as they find out he isn’t they ignore him, showing outfits aren’t just symbolic of the divide their name is also. Adding on the idea that this movie was widely influenced by theatre we can see them portraying the evil celebrity as a villain by how she dressed, black dress, harsh makeup, this outfit reminds me of oversaturated theatrical costumes or Disney villains. Lastly the main celebrities, Don Lockwood and Lina are both dressed smartly in white, the colour white has connotation of purity and heavenly therefor they may be trying to portray tither them as angelic of the hollywood dream life as heavenly. Lina is covered is sparkles and jewellery with smart hair and make up, and don is dressed in a white suit and a hat with his hair combed back hair with both of them having an over all expensive look. 


This scene is set outside a cinema, it is a large grande building, with a massive sign saying “ Don Lockwood. Lina Lamot”, this introduces us to main celebrities and character in this movie and gives us an idea of how popular they actually are. This sign is in huge letter which are lit up, one that you may see in Las Vegas or outside a musical theatre. The main colours in this setting are red and white, these colours have connotations of purity and Hollywood, show biz. This building is the only one lit up, everything else around it is in the dark showing this is the place to be and the Hollywood world is important to people and consume their thoughts. We an also see this through the crowds of people surround the building waiting for the celebrities to arrive. 


There are many props used in this scene, one of those is an old fashioned microphone that is used by the narrator to speak in, this draws the audience in and makes it one of their main focuses. Using an old fashioned microphone may be influenced by the theatrical world, also showing how Hollywood is fake and an empty shell that is made up of other bits to create the fabric that people believe is real. Another prop is the cars used, these cars are black, smart and expensive, the celebrities use these to make their bog entrances. As well as this all of the women are holding fan letter in their hands, waiting to give it to the celebrities such as Don, this shows how involve they are with this world and the celebrities that inhabit it. Lastly there are cameras everywhere in which the press have, waiting to take pictures. 

Camera shots and angles 

This scene starts with an extreme long shot of the building, this is an establishing show, allowing the audience to see the setting, the building and the sign, which introduces us to 2 main characters and also the sheer size of Hollywood and their productions . After this we see the normal citizens who are climbing on a speaker to see the celebrities, then there is a tracking shot that goes to a woman who is narrating, therefor we see who is speaking, which is unusual for a movie, this may be influenced the the theatrical world where you can see the narrator speaking to the audience and breaking the fourth wall. Then we see a midst of the cars turning up and the celebrities entering, they are centre shot, symbolising that they are in the lime light and centre of the holly wood world, there is then a tracking shot as they walk down the red carpet to greet the narrator. As don is speaking we zoom in on his face allowing us to see his emotions, this romanticise him and how concerned the cameras are how the people se him and idolise him. 

lighting/ sound 

The whole building is bright lit by lights that are only pointing at the building, making other things surrounding it in darkness, showing this is the place to be and consequently symbolising how important these celebrities are to them. All of the lights present you can see the lighting source, showing how they make and fabricate the world, like puzzle pieces, as well as this there is flashing of lights in the background acting as if they are camera flashes, also showing how the media and press are influenced by celebrities. In this scene there is mostly non-diegetic sound, there is a narrator on scene, we can hear people talking, cameras flashing and the crowd talking making an noise buzzy atmosphere.  

Scene 3 - “you were meant for me”


This whole scene is set in an empty movie lot room, the scene starts of with a wide shot of them entering in the door, this allows us to see the size ginormous size of the room. The director used a abnormally big room to set this is to show how big Hollywood. The setting is empty at first and dark but he gradual add things such as wind, lighting and other props, he creates this perfect romantic place which is fake but it could show that even though it is a sett and fake there love isn’t fake even thought everything else is. Symbolising how he is trying to build their relationship. 


One of the main prop used is the ladder, this ladder is used to show who has control in the relationship, Cathy is always higher than Don, she can chose what to do, even when they both are coming down the ladder Cathy is on the same level as don showing they are also equal and a little more closer to becoming in a relationship. As well as this the ladder show the divide between them and how Cathy doesn’t fully trust Don, the ladder is always between them but she sometimes reacher and leans into it showing she is intrigued and wants to trust him. As well as this there is also a wind machine used on Cathy to create a romantic mood. 


Cathy is dressed in a purple dress which is flowy, the colour purple has many connotations, grande, glamorous and even royal, this may symbolise how Don sees her. Even though she is glamorous like other Hollywood actresses he is different and more natural. Don is dressed in a white smart outfit outfit, this shiwte outfit symbolises purity and is angelic, thats how he wants Cathy to see her, and is trying to gain her trust. 

Camera shots/ angles

Firstly the scene starts off with an over head wide shot, this shows of the sheer scale of the movie lot, as Don and Cathy look tiny compared to the door in which they enter in. As well as this we see a below shot which is pointing upwards also showing how tall the building is and also how bug Hollywood is. To show the romantic tension in this scene we see a over shoulder shot looking down at Don seeing what we see throughout Cathy point of view, it is also is looking down at don showing that Cathy has the control in this situation and ability to say yes or not, it them zooms down at don to see his emotions, the camera is close to him like how he wants to be close to Cathy, creating a sense of intimacy. We also see for a long time a mid/wide shot of Cathy and don dancing, this is unusual of a modern day movie but due to them dancing this is a perfect shot to see everything, and this dancing which could seem to a modern day audience to go on for too long, this would appease to a olden day audience as they loved theatrical performances so a long dancing scene would be seen as very entraining.

Sound/ lighting 

There is diegetic sound present, them speaking and singing as well as this there is non diegetic sound of the music in the background creating a romantic scene due to the music and the words don is singing. In this scene all of the lighting sources are present and we can see them, don turned them on one by one and they all have different colours such a red and yellow to create a colour much like. Sunset which is seen to be romantic adding to the overall romantic mood.  Don create the scene much like how they create movies, ad well as this he is building the scene like he is trying to build their relationship. 


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