( Post 13 ) sound in 13 reasons why


          13 reasons why

      we were given this video clip, our task was to reproduce the sound in this scene. In this scene there was narrative speech, background music and footsteps which we had to recreate.

In this scene there was diegetic sound, diegetic sound is sound that is visible on the screen such as clays footsteps when he is walking down the corridor or when an actor is talking during the scene. There was also non-diegetic sound present during this scene, non diegetic sound is that is edited in after the scene is filmed such as the narrative voice of Hannah talking and background music, all theses things do not happed when the scene is being filmed instead later edited into the scene to create mood or add on to the setting.

This is the original clip;


This is our rendition of the scene;

Firstly in order to get the narration we had to firstly find someone to be Hannah, the person we chose was Elsa, we made this decision as she was the best as re-enacting how Hannah speaks and talks making it more natural. Secondly we then found the exact script online in order to make it the same as what Hannah is saying in this scene. we used a video to record her voice then separated the audio and the video from each other in order to place it into the clip.

The next thing we had to do is find the backing music. There was two different music that was played in this scene one of these was called mess is mine by Vance joy we copied the music and created an audio clip we then edited this onto the clip making sure its the same timing and lyrics as the video we are trying to replicate.

Thirdly we had to replicate the diegetic sound of the foot steps in order to do this we video our self walking down a corridor like clays, we chose to of this as it  created the best sound that is close to clays footsteps. we then separated the audio from the video in order edit this into the clip.

the last sound we had to add was the non-diegetic sound of the bell ringing at the end, we found a audio sound of a bell and copied it in order to edit into the clip.

Overall I am happy with the final product that our group produced, the most difficult part of this was replicating the footsteps this was hard as we needed to do the same volume and intensity as clay does although when we got it right it worked well and sound like clay walking down the corridor.


  1. Can't see the original video at the moment. Can you upload it please?

    Your video is great and you clearly communicate the process and show your understanding throughout. Well done.


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