(post 25) Working from a script - sound

Foley Sound Needed:

Harsh Breeze/Wind: this will be made either by waiting for a windy day and taking the microphone outside to get the sound, or finding a clip of YouTube or elsewhere that has a long enough clip so that there wouldn't be much repetition. This sound shouldn't be too loud, otherwise it'll block the sound of the actors. It would only be applied to the end of the scene, where Edmund is heading towards the Witch's castle, and the others are trying to stop him. This would make this scene more tense and dramatic, making the situation seem more helpless. The wind would die down after Mr. Beaver told them to stop because Edmund's the bait. This would show the realisation, and having to accept Edmund leaving until they find Aslan.

--- show how this was done

Non-Diegetic Sound Needed:

Music: Possibly not needed, but it could be used quietly when coming to see the homely Beavers' Dam, or the tense moment at the end where I suggested the wind could be, this would mean the wind would not be in that scene after all.

The music for the Beavers' dam would be quiet and have a warm, magical feeling. It would not be very fast paced, because it would make the scene seem more action-based, or dramatic. If it were too slow paced, however, it could make it seem sad or lonely, which is also not the right tone.

The music in the last part of the scene would be more dramatic, perhaps with string instruments playing, and be fast paced, showing how tense and helpless the situation is.

Music could also be featured upon the mention of Aslan, making it seem more magical, and emphasising the Pevensie's calm. This music would need to be gentle, but feeling charming, so that it would imply calmness and wonder.

In the final cut the editor has used the original soundtrack used in the film. 
Aston, the editor also lowered some of the background noise so that shouting, by a near-by football game could not be heard.


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