( post 11) mise-en-sene in ferris bueller

                Ferris Bueler’s Day Off

         Firstly from this scene we can see a big contrast in setting. In the first picture were Ferris is relaxing in the sun chair we can see lots of bright yellow and blue and green tones this creates an vibrant image for the viewer which sets the mood of the scene which is sprightly and exciting. The scene is set outside in the sun relaxing with cold drink by his side and lounging on an chair this image of relaxation gives the viewers positive connotation as it looks as if he's on holiday therefore relating to the viewers experiences allowing them to feel how Ferris is feeling. On the other hand we can see that in the second picture Cameron is in a dreary cold setting with grey tones throughout the place this creates a dull image to the viewer’s straight away therefore enabling them to make assumptions that Cameron is not happy. The scene is set inside a bedroom which is cut off from nature therefore isolating Cameron from others making him seem unsocial. The use of depressing setting symbolises how Cameron is feeling, ill and sad.  In conclusion the use of setting creates a big contrast in the viewer’s perspectives between Ferris and Cameron's emotions as through their setting we can see how they are feeling even without needing context.
       The use of music chosen in each scene is very different. Ferris has happy Hawaiian music played in the background, whereas Cameron has slow depressing music that sounds almost uncomfortable and erratic. The director chose to use the happy Hawaiian music for Ferris as this not only fits into the setting which is vibrant and warm it has connotation of holiday which makes the viewers feel happy and relaxed as If they are also on holiday, this happy music also symbolises that Ferris is enjoying his time off therefor showing his emotion through music. On the other hand the director chose to use depressing slow music for Cameron as this shows how he is feeling, ill, drained and sad, this also makes the viewer feel sombre and depressed this amplifies his emotion onto the viewer so they can relate to Cameron and understand his emotions more. All in all the use of music allows the viewer to feel sympathetic towards Cameron and happy like Ferris as the music echo's their emotions.
       Both of these scenes use natural lighting although the lighting is used for different purposes and in different ways. In the scene were Ferris is relaxed, happy and dancing the natural light is vibrant and bright as if it is coming from the sun, the use of bright natural light creates an image of an clear sunny day making the viewers think of happy thought as if they were there. The use of a sunny day conveys the emotions of Ferris who is enjoying his time off school. On the other hand, in Cameron’s scene where he is ill the natural light is glooming and limited as if it is being shielded by clouds, this conveys the feeling off Cameron who is depressing and sombre. This also makes the reader feel cold and miserable when watching the scene as the cold weather creates an ambience that is uncomfortable and dull. In conclusion the use of lighting in both of these scenes are the polar opposites. On one hand it is used to create a cheerful, jovial setting, whereas on the other hand it is used to echo the sickness of Cameron creating a melancholic setting.


  1. Good deconstruction of mise-en-scene elements here Lucy. Next time we do a mise-en-scene relate task focus on props, costume and make-up to complete your set.


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