
Showing posts from October, 2017

( post 14) sound in love actually

Sound In Love Actually When looking at sound, we focussed on a scene from love actually. This scene is the opening scene and has dialog over the top of videos from Heathrow airport. When watching it we first listened to it with the sound turned on, and then listened to it with the sound turned off. We then had to identify all of the different sounds in the video. The main feature of the video was the voice over by David (Huge Grant) and then we also noticed the music behind it. We also learned about diegetic and non- diegetic sound. Diegetic sound is the sound that is actually in the scene. Non diegetic sound is when the sound is not picked up on screen and so has to be added during the edited process. For example, music being added to increase the tension or to make it a recognisable movie and also the voice over to add a personal perspective of the scene . This also adds detail and background knowledge. This gets added in during the editing process. When mak

( Post 13 ) sound in 13 reasons why

                                                                                                              13 reasons why       we were given this video clip, our task was to reproduce the sound in this scene. In this scene there was narrative speech, background music and footsteps which we had to recreate. In this scene there was diegetic sound, diegetic sound is sound that is visible on the screen such as clays footsteps when he is walking down the corridor or when an actor is talking during the scene. There was also non-diegetic sound present during this scene, non diegetic sound is that is edited in after the scene is filmed such as the narrative voice of Hannah talking and background music, all theses things do not happed when the scene is being filmed instead later edited into the scene to create mood or add on to the setting. This is the original clip;